Payment Simulator

Discover how we can help you test, prototype, demo, and validate your 3DS and FIDO-checkout payment products and services

icon ContQA2

Continuous QA

Automated and ad hoc end-to-end testing with 100s of EMV 3DS test cases including spec updates, bulletins, multi-factor authentication, and channel updates.

icon ShowMode

PoCs and Demos

Show off your new payment services and features through proof-of-concepts and demos using an end-to-end test environment complete with test merchant.

icon ValidateMode

Customer Validation

Validate your customers and partners when they implement your product, even grant a Letter of Compliance when they pass tests you require.

End-to-End Testing for Everybody


Users can substitute their product for testing against the rest of the default environment. Products under test can include 3-D Secure components (SDKs, Server, Directory Server, and ACS) and risk scoring engines (FIDO, Behavioral biometrics, Block chain, etc.) either behind the issuer's ACS or as an on-behalf-of risk service.

Testers can include merchants, payment service providers (PSPs), acquirers, payment networks, issuers, and risk scoring engines.


Peace of Mind

100's of Test Case

Tests can be run individually or in automated batches. Test Cases including EMV 3DS v2 protocol options like:  Frictionless Transaction, Challenges, Bridge Message Extensions/OOB App Linking, No Exemption, Data Share Only, Decoupled Auth, Delegated Auth, TRA, Trusted Merchant (Prompt/No Prompt), Secure Corp Card, and Non-Payment.


Customer Experience

Test Merchant

PaySim includes a test merchant

  • Merchant includes browser, iOS, and Android storefronts all running certified 3DS SDKs
  • PSPs can explore how their merchant customers integrate SDKs and connect to the 3DS Server
  • Issuers can see how their challenges appear in PC, tablet, and mobile transactions
  • Supports 3DS Bridge Message Extension testing for out-of-band authentication like SCA requires

Software QA Mode

Continuous Compliance

3DS product providers – 3DS Servers, Directory Servers, and/or Access Control Servers – can continuously test their product against PaySim’s end-to-end payment environment. 100s of test cases can be run ad hoc or defined in test plans for automated unit testing, regression testing, and final release.


Show Mode

PoCs and Demos

Show off your new payment services and features through prototypes, proof-of-concepts, and sales demos using our end-to-end test environment complete with test merchant.


Validate Mode

Validate Your Customers

Validate your 3rd party customers and partners when they implement your product, even grant a Letter of Compliance (LoC) when they pass tests you select.

3Rd parties can include Merchants, PSPs, Acquirers, Networks, Issuers, and risk scoring engines.

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