Testing and Tools for the Online Payment Industry

Innovative solutions for Payment Tech and Service Providers that make Payment + Authentication Easier, Faster, and More Successful

icon PaySim

Payment Simulator

An end-to-end payment testing service which allows (1) product developers to continuous test and prototype, (2) sales to demo, and (3) payment service providers to test their implementation of a 3rd party product.

icon Split

3-D Secure Split SDKs

Brandable EMV 3DS certified SDKs which - when added to your 3DS Server - offer a complete checkout experience for web, iOS, and Android transactions. SDKs use 3DS v2.3 Split SDK design to make merchant easier and faster.


What we do

mSIGNIA is a test and software tools provider to the entire online payment ecosystem, including EMV 3DS product vendors, merchants, payment service providers, acquirers, payment networks, issuers, delegated authenticators, FIDO reliant parties, and risk scoring engines.

We help you support and expand your payment services through our brandable, turnkey, payment products.


Testing and Tools

It is about Your brand, not Ours

mSIGNIA's products are designed

  • To be branded by you
  • To fit into and enhance your payment solution
  • To save you time, money, and headaches
  • To give your customers a best-in-market experience

We complete your payment solution.

We do not compete with your solution.

3DS Developers

DEVELOPING Payment Products

Continuous QA testing for you and your service operators, plus a platform for PoCs and Demos

3DS Operators

OPERATING Payment Services

End-to-End payment simulator validates Merchants, PSPs, Acquirers, Networks, and Issuers

3DS Server SDKs

Adding SDKs to Your 3DS Server

Expand and complete your 3DS Server offering so Merchants can easily and safely accept ALL payments


You do You, we just help

Stay Focused and Grow your business

mSIGNIA does not process payments; we sell testing and tools solutions to those that do.

The payment industry is rapidly changing... everyone needs more time, more team, and more money to make their solution the best.

mSIGNIA is focused on the technologies that support product... doing the little things that make a great product best-in-market, including

  • End-to-end testing for developers, service providers, and their customers
  • SDKs that separate the chaos of the client (browsers, apps, IoT) from the cloud.

You can do testing and SDKs, but why take your focus off your payment service? We will reliably provide you innovative testing and tools at less than it costs to develop them yourself.

Trusted by some of the World's Leading Payment Brands, including